One Year Anniversary

It is officially our 366th day as owner's of Lambert Home! We made it one whole year!

We were called to open Lambert Home in 2012 and it took 3 years to finally open the beautiful, green doors for the first time. When we look back on opening eve, we remember talking over the statistics of opening a business: "Year one should be tough...probably year two, too. We may not make it but we're going to try." Instead, year one has been UNBELIEVABLY BLESSED. We're using all caps intentionally.

There have obviously been stressful days, There have been days where we looked at each other and said "we might be maxing out our capacity here!" There have been days where we hurt each others feelings. There have been days when we made no sales. There have been days where nobody came in at all! 

Overall, though, we look back on the last year and see it all as rosy because of you. We had days of celebration--the first big sale, the first custom furniture order, the first returning shopper we didn't already know (!!!!!), the first magazine cover, and the first renovation complete! Without our loyal and loving clients and shoppers, we wouldn't be able to write this! We took such a huge risk (financially and emotionally) to bring modern slavery and beautiful things to the forefront of Southlake's awareness and you've helped to honor our faithfulness with every purchase and prayer!

One of our motto verses for our store has always been Ephesians 3:20-21 which says "20 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen." 

God is blessing us far more abundantly, as the verse says, than we asked or imagined. He continues to prove Himself faithful and our mission worth it--SO worth it. He deserves all the glory. 

Love y'all! 

Katie and Sarah


The Good Stuff


Farmhouse Kitchen Before & After - Southlake, TX